JR Aero California
SU Aeroflot
AR Aerolineas Argentinas
VX Aerolineas Centrales De Colombia
N2 Aerolineas Internacionales
EX Aerolineas Santo Domingo
VW Aeromar Airlines and code sharing carriers
AM Aeromexico and code sharing carriers
VH Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela
RK Air Afrique and code sharing carriers
SB Air Caledonie International
AC Air Canada and code sharing carriers
C2 Air Caribbean Limited
CA Air China
YN Air Creebec
UX Air Europa
AF Air France and code sharing carriers
AI Air India and code sharing carriers
JM Air Jamaica Limited
IJ Air Liberte
NX Air Macau Company Ltd
QM Air Malawi
LW Air Nevada and code sharing carriers
NZ Air New Zealand and code sharing carriers
4N Air North
FJ Air Pacific
ZP Air St. Thomas
YI Air Sunshine
TN Air Tahiti Nui
8T Air Tindi
FL AirTran Airways and AirTran Airlines
6L Aklak
AS Alaska Airlines and code sharing carriers
AZ Alitalia and code sharing carriers
G4 Allegiant Air
NH All Nippon Airways
LM ALM-Antillean Airlines and code sharing carriers
AQ Aloha Airlines, Aloha Commuter and code sharing carriers
AA American Airlines, American Eagle and code sharing carriers
TZ American Trans Air and code sharing carriers
HP America West Airlines, America West Express and code sharing carriers
AN Ansett Australia
IW AOM French Airlines
7P APA Int'l. Air
5F Arctic Circle Air Service
7S Arctic Transportation Services
R7 Aserca Airlines, C.A.
OZ Asiana Airlines
9T Athabaska Airways
OS Austrian Airlines
VE Avensa
6A Aviacsa
AV Avianca and code sharing carriers
UP Bahamasair and code sharing carriers
8Q Baker Aviation
JV Bearskin Airlines
CH Bemidji Air
8E Bering Air
GQ Big Sky Airlines
BG Biman Bangladesh
BA British Airways and code sharing carriers
BD British Midland Airways Ltd
J4 Buffalo Airways Ltd.
BW BWIA Int'l.
C6 Canjet Airlines
9K Cape Air and Nantucket Airlines
6C Cape Smythe Air Service
CX Cathay Pacific Airways and code sharing carriers
KX Cayman Airways
OP Chalk's International
CI China Airlines
MU China Eastern Airlines
CZ China Southern Airlines
DE Condor Flugdienst
CO Continental Airlines, Continental Express and code sharing carriers
CM Copa and code sharing carriers
3C Corporate Express
LX Crossair AG
OK CSA - Czech Airlines
CU Cubana Airlines
DL Delta Air Lines, Delta Connection and code
sharing carriers
MS Egyptair
LY El Al Israel Airlines and code sharing carriers
ET Ethiopian Airlines
BR EVA Airways
AY Finnair and code sharing carriers
7F First Air and First Air Commuter
F9 Frontier Airlines and code sharing carriers
2F Frontier Flying Service
GH Ghana Airways Corp.
GS Grant Aviation
GF Gulf Air Company and code sharing carriers
8G Gulf and Caribbean Cargo
3M Gulfstream Int'l.
GY Guyana Airways 2000 Inc.
7A Haines Airways
H3 Harbour Air Ltd.
HA Hawaiian Air Lines and code sharing carriers
JB Helijet Airways
KA Hong Kong Dragon Airlines
FI Icelandair
PB Interprovincial Airlines
IS Island Airlines
2S Island Express
JL Japan Airlines
B6 Jetblue Airways Corp.
FK Keewatin Air Limited
M5 Kenmore Air
4K Kenn Borek Air
BZ Keystone Air Service
KL KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines and code sharing carriers
KE Korean Air
KU Kuwait Airways
WJ Labrador Airways
LR LACSA and code sharing carriers
LA Lan-Chile
LP Lan Peru S.A.
J6 Larry's Flying Service
NG Lauda Air
7Z L. B. Limited
LI Liat and code sharing carriers
MJ Lineas Aereas Privadas Argentinas
LB Lloyd Aereo Boliviano S.A.
LO Lot Polish Airlines
LT LTU Int'l. Airways and code sharing carriers
LH Lufthansa and code sharing carriers
LG Luxair
MH Malaysia Airlines
MA Malev-Hungarian Airlines
MP Martinair Holland
YV Mesa Airlines
MX Mexicana de Aviacion and code sharing carriers
JI Midway Airlines and code sharing carriers
YX Midwest Express and Midwest Express Connection
T2 Nakina Outpost Camp and Air Service
N7 National Airlines
EJ New England Airlines
NA North American Airlines
VL North Vancouver Air
J3 Northwestern Air Lease Ltd.
HW North-Wright Airlines
NW Northwest Airlines, Northwest Airlink and code sharing carriers
OA Olympic Airways
ZO Ozark Airlines
PK Pakistan International Airlines
PN Pan American Airways
KS PenAir
UW Perimeter Airlines (Inland)
PR Philippine Airlines
PH Polynesian Limited
Z3 Promech/Seaborne Seaplane
QF Qantas Airways and code sharing carriers
RH Regionair
E2 Rio Grande Air
AT Royal Air Maroc and code sharing carriers
QN Royal Aviation
BI Royal Brunei Airlines
RJ Royal Jordanian and code sharing carriers
SV Saudi Arabian
SK SAS-Scandinavian Airlines System
YR Scenic Airlines
BB Seaborne Aviation
5S Servicios Aereos Profesionales
VC Servivensa
S5 Shuttle America
SQ Singapore Airlines and code sharing carriers
7J Skagway Air Service
K9 Skyward Aviation
TX Societe Nouvell Air Guadeloupe
SA South African and code sharing carriers
WN Southwest Airlines
JK Spanair S.A.
NK Spirit Airlines
UL Sri Lanka Airlines Limited
SY Sun Country Airlines
OQ Sunrise Airlines
SM Sunworld International Airlines
SR Swissair
TA Taca International Airlines
JJ TAM-Tranportes Aereos Meridionais and code sharing carriers
4E Tanana Air Service
TP TAP-Air Portugal
RO Tarom-Romanian Air Transport
3K Tatonduk Flying Service
TG Thai Airways
TR Transbrasil
TW Trans World Airlines and Trans World Express
TK Turkish Airlines Inc.
QW Turks and Caicos Airways
UA United Airlines, United Express and code
sharing carriers
US US Airways, US Airways Express, US Airways Shuttle, MetroJet and code sharing carriers
HY Uzbekistan Airways
RG Varig and code sharing carriers
2R VIA Rail Canada
VI Vieques Air Link
VS Virgin Atlantic Airways and code sharing carriers
4V Voyageur Airways
8O West Coast Air
WS Westjet Airlines
K5 Wings of Alaska and code sharing carriers
8V Wright Air Service